Module: Improving Nutrition
This module has been designed to assist facilitators in implementing activities that help farmers improve their diets and nutrition, working as part of a Farmer Field School (FFS) on nutrition and local food plants. The implementation phase can start as soon as the curriculum for the FFS cycle has been agreed. It is important that the FFS facilitators ensure that the materials required are available on time, organize the necessary logistics (e.g. infrastructure, field site), coordinate with experts and local institutions, and ensure that the budget will suffice for the implementation of all activities.
This document presents guidelines for food preservation, food preparation and cooking demonstrations, seed and food fairs, growing local food plants in home gardens, and creating school gardens. FFS facilitators and farmers, however, are encouraged to implement other activities not described in this module. The guidelines in this module are not written in stone. They can be seen as the key ingredients, rather than as a recipe that needs to be followed in a fixed order.
This document summarizes the information on FFS implementation of activities presented in chapter 7 of the Field Guide. The FFS diagnostic phase has also been summarized in the Online Course on nutrition and local food plants. Other illustrated modules for the FFS on nutrition and local food plants are Diagnostic Phase, Managing Plants, FFS End-of-cycle Evaluation, and Special Topics.