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Facilitators’ Guide for Farmer Field Schools on Local Food Plants for Nutrition: Special topics

This module has been designed to help facilitators to undertake Farmer Field School (FFS) special topics.

Special topics are complementary topics that provide additional information which is useful for the development of the FFS activities. For example, FFS that addressed seed dormancy in Zimbabwe included a special topic on ways to manipulate seed germination provided by technicians before starting the establishment of germination plots.

Other special topics might be less strictly related to the actual implementation of FFS activities, but essential for addressing the main concerns that emerged during the diagnostic phase. For example, FFS in Peru included a special topic on maternal and child nutrition, as this was a main problem identified during the malnutrition problem tree exercise.

Special topics would ideally be identified at the time of agreement on the local FFS curriculum, but may also appear useful from discussions during the FFS implementation phase. Special topics have to be prepared in advance and in coordination with technical experts if needed.

Most special topics require one FFS meeting, but some might need more time.

This module illustrates five special topics for FFS on nutrition and local food plants. However, FFS are encouraged to implement any other special topics that are important to achieve their objectives. The guidelines in this module are not written in stone. They can be regarded as ingredients, rather than as a recipe that needs to be followed in a fixed order.

This document summarizes the information on the FFS diagnostic and review phase present in the chapter 5 of the Field Guide. The FFS diagnostic phase has also been summarized in the Online Course on nutrition and local food plants.

Facilitators’ Guide for Farmer Field Schools on Local Food Plants for Nutrition: Special topics
Document type pdf
Document size 15 MB
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