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Gender Journey Module

Farmer Field Schools (FFS) are central to the SD=HS way of working. This gender journey module can be applied within the framework of the FFS on Participatory Plant Breeding (PPB), on Nutrition and Local Food Plants, or on Farmer Seed Enterprises. It is part of SD=HS’ efforts to advance women’s leadership in agrobiodiversity management.

SD=HS seeks to understand the implications of gender in all our work – from PPB to seed production, marketing, nutrition and policy – and to promote equitable relationships between men and women. The work of FFS would be less effective if gender issues were not addressed. Many objectives are difficult to achieve if there are wide inequalities in the way men and women are allowed to work, participate, and take decisions. Addressing these inequalities can bring more power to all farmers.

The aim of this gender journey exercise is to increase equality between men and women in FFS. Some FFS are dominated by women, and we want to encourage men to participate more. In places where men traditionally dominate, this means fostering female leadership – though local traditions and norms can make this very difficult, and it may take many years for things to change. The FFS provides a space and methodology to discuss and experiment.

This guide is for FFS facilitators. It aims to help facilitators to gain the skills to enable meaningful discussions and reflections on gender roles and inequalities throughout the FFS season. It should be used together with the illustrated Field Guides on PPB, and Nutrition and Local Food Plants, available on this site.

Oxfam Novib. 2021. Gender Journey Module: SD=HS’ efforts to advance women’s leadership in agrobiodiversity management. The Hague: Oxfam Novib. (8 MB)

This module was written by Anita Dohar, Gisella Cruz-Garcia, and Frederik van Oudenhoven, as part of the Sowing Diversity = Harvesting Security program Phase II (2019-2022). Funding for the program is provided by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

For more information, please write to Anita Dohar, Lead Farmers’ Crop Diversity Management,

Gender Journey Module
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