Archives: Members
Eco Matser
Project Lead E: Eco is the project lead of SD=HS, he has a long experience in supporting fair and sustainable transitions working at global environmental organizations like Greenpeace and development organizations like Hivos. He graduated from the Wageningen Agriculture University with a focus on environmental knowledge and policy change. He previously worked on development […]
Juliet Nangamba
E: Programs Manager CTDT-Zambia
Emile Arinaga
Agrobiodiversity Officer E: In the SDHS program, Emile helps to create and improve learning tools on participatory plant breeding and farmer seed enterprises, as well as helping to streamline the program’s MEAL systems. He has previously worked on food security programs in Uganda and Tanzania, mainly on improving learning by rural communities on agroecological […]
Juliana Di Cataldo
Project Officer E: Juliana works as a Project Officer, coordinating the administrative and logistical aspects of the SD=HS project. She holds an MA in Global Criminology from Utrecht University and has worked in program management for different NGOs in the Hague.
Konstantina Maria P. Togka
Agrobiodiversity Officer E: Konstantina’s role is to provide technical advice and support on SD=HS activities related to Local food plants for nutrition. In the past she has been engaged in programs focusing on food system adaptations to poverty, gender inequality, and poor nutrition. She has an MSc in Nutrition and Health from Wageningen University, […]
Nout van der Vaart
Policy Lead Food and Land E: Nout van der Vaart is Oxfam Novib’s Policy Lead Food and Land. Within the broader organization, he works on engaging stakeholders like government officials, (Dutch) MPs and media in policy issues related to food security and sustainable and inclusive agricultural development. Within the SD=HS program, he works to […]
Bhramar Dey
Senior Technical Advisor, Policy, Advocacy and Strategy E: Dr. Dey brings a unique blend of project design, management, and analytical skills focusing on country-led interventions (often through negotiations with governments) in data, policy, monitoring and evaluation, and agricultural input systems. She has over 15 years of experience in data and regulatory reform analyses, and […]
Catalina von Hildebrand
Communication Lead E: Catalina is the Communication Lead, managing our different channels and coordinating content creation among the team, our partners and allies. Previously she worked in different NGO’s on coalition building for sustainable value chains, access to finance and climate resilience. She has a MSc in International Development from the University of Amsterdam.
Xin Song
E: FSN representative
Yiching Song
E: CCAP representative, Senior Research Fellow
Fernando Alonzo
E: Oxfam Country Office and SD=HS representative, Guatemala
Sergio Alonzo
E: Representative, ASOCUCH
Leonard Unganai
E: Representative, Oxfam Zimbabwe
Patrick Kasasa
E: CTDT Representative
Chimbala Shamenda Yoyo
E: Agriculture Programme Manager, Oxfam
Charles Nkhoma
E: Director, CTDT
Ana Lucía Núñez
E: Food Justice Project Officer at Oxfam Peru
Ángel Villavicencio
E: FOVIDA representative
Prakash Kafle
E: Oxfam Nepal representative. Thematic leader, Resilience and Climate Justice
Santosh Shreshta
Team Representative E: LI-BIRD representative