The second Global Consultation on Farmers’ Rights will be held in Bali, Indonesia from 27-30 September 2016. Building on the outcomes of the informal consultations in Zimbabwe in 2007 and the first global consultations in Ethiopia in 2010, the consultations in Indonesia will again bring together a broad range of stakeholders for a constructive dialogue on Farmers’ Rights as recognized in the International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA). The consultations will address why Farmers’ Rights matter, and explore different challenges for their implementation and identify possible ways of further strengthening the realization of Farmers’ Rights. The outcome of the second global consultations will be presented at the seventh session of the Governing Body in 2017.
SD=HS has been invited to present some of the SD=HS program findings on the impact of seed policies on farmers’ seed systems and to discuss possible steps for national implementation of Farmers’ Rights. In addition, 17 pictures of participants of a Farmer Field School in Zimbabwe organized by CTDT will be exhibited at the meeting’s venue place. ANDES will present a video on the deposition of potato seeds by Andean communities in the Svalbard Global Seed Vault halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole.
