Archives: Documents
Facilitator Field Guide for Farmer Field Schools on PPB – Plant Selection Techniques module
This field guide module presents one of the most valuable techniques for plant breeders: the selection of plants to improve local varieties (landraces) or develop entirely new ones. Although often seen as the exclusive domain of professional plant breeders in research stations, this guide translates basic and more advanced techniques from the science of plant […]
Guía de ECA en Producción y comercialización de semillas – Análisis del mercado de semillas y selección
Módulo: Análisis del mercado de semillas y selección En este módulo, los facilitadores desempeñan un papel crucial al guiar a las Escuelas de Campo para Agricultores (ECAs) en la recopilación y análisis de información. Esta información será esencial para ayudar a los miembros de las ECAs a tomar decisiones informadas sobre si enfocarse en un […]
Guide CPE de Production et commercialisation des semences – Analyse et sélection du marché des semences
Module: Analyse et sélection du marché des semences Dans ce module, les facilitateurs jouent un rôle crucial en guidant les Champ école des producteurs (CEP) dans la collecte et l’analyse d’informations. Ces informations seront essentielles pour aider les membres des CEP à prendre des décisions éclairées sur la question de se concentrer sur une culture […]
Farmer Field Guide on Seed production and marketing – Market analysis & crop selection
Module: Seed market analysis and crop selection In this module, facilitators play a crucial role in guiding Farmer Field Schools (FFS) to gather and analyze information. This information will be essential in helping FFS members make informed decisions about whether to focus on a specific seed crop that not only has business potential but also […]
Field Guide for Farmer Field School on Seed Production and Marketing
This field guide focuses on farmer seed production and marketing at the community level for local or district markets. This first draft draws on a wide range of guides by organizations working with farmer field school methodologies to enhance smallholder farmers’ skills and knowledge to make informed decisions about opportunities to engage in seed enterprises […]
Briefing note: Participatory Plant Breeding in Zimbabwe
This briefing note highlights the process and the most relevant results of the Participatory Plant Breeding efforts, which were conducted over the 2019-2023 period in the Farmer Field Schools in Zimbabwe. The note focuses on sorghum and pearl millet. BackgroundThe Sowing Diversity=Harvesting Security program aims at improving farmers’ access and use of crop diversity, strengthening […]
Briefing note: Participatory Plant Breeding in Uganda
his briefing note highlights the process and the most relevant results of the Participatory Plant Breeding efforts, which were conducted over the 2019-2023 period in the Farmer Field Schools in Uganda. The note focuses on groundnut and beans. BackgroundThe Sowing Diversity=Harvesting Security program aims at improving farmers’ access and use of crop diversity, strengthening farmers’ […]
Briefing note: Participatory Plant Breeding in Zambia
This briefing note highlights the process and the most relevant results of the Participatory Plant Breeding efforts, which were conducted over the 2019-2023 period in the Farmer Field Schools in Zambia. The note focuses on sorghum and groundnut. BackgroundThe Sowing Diversity=Harvesting Security program aims at improving farmers’ access and use of crop diversity, strengthening farmers’ […]
Mejorando las dietas y reduciendo la temporada de escasez de alimentos con la ayuda de plantas alimenticias locales en las regiones de Huancavelica y Junín en Perú
Plantas alimenticias locales para la nutrición Este documento presenta los principales hallazgos a nivel de hogares de la encuesta inicial realizada entre 2019 y 2021, durante la segunda fase del programa Siembra de Diversidad = Cosecha de Seguridad (SD=HS) (2019-2023). Los resultados de la encuesta inicial se complementan con los principales hallazgos de los ejercicios […]
Improving diets and reducing food scarcity with the help of local food plants in Huancavelica and Junín regions of Peru
Local food plants for nutrition This document presents the main household-level findings of the baseline survey conducted between 2019-2021, during the second phase of the Sowing Diversity = Harvesting Security (SD=HS) programme (2019-2023). The results of the baseline are complemented with the main findings of the diagnostic exercises conducted by SD=HS’ Farmer Field Schools (FFS). […]
Improving diets and reducing food scarcity with the help of local food plants in Sayaboury province of Laos
Local food plants for nutrition This document presents the main household-level findings of the baseline survey conducted between 2019-2021, during the second phase of the Sowing Diversity = Harvesting Security (SD=HS) programme (2019-2023). The results of the baseline are complemented with the main findings of the diagnostic exercises conducted by SD=HS’ Farmer Field Schools (FFS). […]
Mejorando las dietas y reduciendo la escasez de alimentos con la ayuda de plantas alimenticias locales en la provincia de Huehuetenango, Guatemala
Plantas alimenticias locales para la nutrición Este documento presenta los principales hallazgos a nivel de hogares de la encuesta inicial realizada entre 2019 y 2021, durante la segunda fase del programa Siembra de Diversidad = Cosecha de Seguridad (SD=HS) (2019-2023). Los resultados de la encuesta inicial se complementan con los principales hallazgos de los ejercicios […]
Gender Journey Module evaluation
Evaluation of pilot phase (2021-2023) The Gender Journey Module (GJM) was developed by Oxfam Novib and Oxfam in Laos for this specific context (Gender Journey Module). Main objective of the GJM is to help facilitators and farmers to reflect on gender issues and promote women’s leadership and the equal participation of women and men in […]
Improving diets and reducing food scarcity with the help of local food plants in Huehuetenango province of Guatemala
Local food plants for nutrition This document presents the main household-level findings of the baseline survey conducted between 2019-2021, during the second phase of the Sowing Diversity = Harvesting Security (SD=HS) programme (2019-2023). The results of the baseline are complemented with the main findings of the diagnostic exercises conducted by SD=HS’ Farmer Field Schools (FFS). […]
The power lies in the hands of the small-scale farmers
The article on the SD=HS program in Uganda was featured in the Vice-Versa Global Communities in Uganda’s West Nile sub-region are taking innovative approaches to ensure food and nutrition security. Through initiatives like farmer field school (FFS), community seed banks, kitchen gardens, and cooking demonstration classes, they are rediscovering and utilizing Local Food Plants (LFPs) […]
GB10 debrief – a week at the 10th meeting of the FAO Plant Treaty’s Governing Body
By Nout van der Vaart and Bram de Jonge, Oxfam Novib Summary of GB10 plenary session and main discussions held From November 18-25, a team of SD=HS representatives participated in the 10th session of the Governing Body (GB10) of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA). The session, held at […]
Case Studies from Laos
Sowing Diversity= Harvesting Security Phase II (2019-2022) The case studies presented under the Sowing Diversity equals Harvesting Security (SD=HS) Program in Laos from 2019-2022 showcase successful initiatives and outcomes in different provinces. The program has contributed to food security and economic well-being in the region. There are a total of six case studies that highlight […]
Farmer Field School Guide on Farmer Seed Production and Marketing
Module: Analysis of the seed market and crop selection In this module, facilitators play a crucial role in guiding Farmer Field Schools (FFS) to gather and analyze information. This information will be essential in helping FFS members make informed decisions about whether to focus on a specific seed crop that not only has business potential […]
One hundred local food plants for improving nutrition
New Book One hundred local food plants for improving nutrition is the title of the new book published by Oxfam, written by Gisella Cruz-Garcia, Konstantina Maria Togka, Hilton Mbozi and Bert Visser. This book will become the best friend for those who are keen to improve their nutrition, and help others to do that, with […]
Improving diets and reducing food scarcity with the help of local food plants in Sudurpaschim province of Nepal
Local food plants for nutrition This document presents the main household-level findings of the baseline survey conducted between 2019-2021, during the second phase of the Sowing Diversity = Harvesting Security (SD=HS) programme (2019-2023). The results of the baseline are complemented by the main findings of the diagnostic exercises conducted by SD=HS’ Farmer Field Schools (FFS). […]