Archives: Documents
Reconciling farmers’ and plant breeders’ rights: Oxfam position paper
This Oxfam position paper contains Oxfam’s statement towards the protection of farmers’ and plant breeders’ rights. Farmers’ Rights to save, reuse, exchange and sell farm-saved seed/propagating material, to maintain and create agro-biodiversity, and to manage plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA), need to be protected and promoted. This applies particularly to smallholder farmers who have […]
SD=HS Global Policy Agenda. Policy brief
This outline of the SD=HS Global Policy Agenda presents a multiple, evidence-based and bottom-up approach to global policy engagement, which is based on concrete experiences from a number of countries, in combination with multi-stakeholder perspectives and the integration of indigenous and scientific knowledge. The local to global policy engagement is a key component of the […]
Putting lessons into practice: Scaling up peoples’ biodiversity management for food security. Grant Completion Report
The IFAD-Oxfam program “Putting Lessons into Practice: Scaling up Peoples’ Biodiversity Management for Food Security” was implemented from 2012 until 2015. The goal of the program was to uphold, strengthen, and mainstream the rights and technical capacities of indigenous peoples and smallholder farmers, and to influence local to global policies and institutions on the sustainable […]
Towards a business model: Piloting a farmer seed enterprise in the SD=HS program
This report of an expert meeting explains the need to scale up the program by integrating farmers’ seeds into the market. It describes the possibilities, advantages and risks of farmer seed enterprise. Seeds are fundamental for food security and are instrumental in generating wealth for rural economies. World-wide, most of smallholder farmers use their own […]
Consolidated baseline survey report: Women, seeds and nutrition
This report is the first presentation of the consolidated findings of the baseline studies in Vietnam and Zimbabwe for Pillar 3 of the SD=HS program. Pillar 3 has a special focus on neglected and underutilized species, as they have a potential to improve dietary diversity, may contribute to income generation, and may become more important in local […]
Conceptual and methodological development for a baseline survey. Technical report
This technical report elaborates the conceptual and methodological development of the three year IFAD and Oxfam funded project: “Putting Lessons into Practice: Scaling up People’s Biodiversity Management for Food Security”. View publication
Building on farmers’ perception and traditional knowledge: biodiversity management for climate change adaptation strategies. Policy brief
Despite a number of studies on farmers’ perceptions of climate change, the gap between indigenous peoples and smallholder farmer’s use of complex adaptation processes and technical recommendations provided by agricultural research institutions continues to exist. Lessons learned from decades of experiences in participatory research worldwide regard the role of peoples’ traditional knowledge. How can we […]
Nutrition, coping strategies, knowledge and use of neglected and underutilized species. Baseline study
This report contains the results of the baseline study for SD=HS. It provides useful information to size the characteristics of the project’s beneficiary population and constitutes the first step of the monitoring process with the project’s partners and donors. The monitored indicators will provide evidence to adapt and redefine the project’s strategy in order to achieve its […]
From lessons to practice and impact: scaling up pathways in peoples’ biodiversity management. Briefing note
The rights and technical capacities of indigenous peoples and smallholder farmers were the focus of the three-year global program ‘Putting lessons into practice: Scaling up People’s Biodiversity Management for Food Security’. The program aimed to support farmers to influence policies and institutions on the sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food security in the context […]
External evaluation of ‘Putting lessons into practice: Scaling up peoples’ biodiversity management for food security.’
This external evaluation of the IFAD-Oxfam Novib program “Putting Lessons into Practice: Scaling up Peoples’ Biodiversity Management for Food Security” was agreed upon by IFAD and Oxfam Novib in order to “take stock of lessons learnt and transferability criteria and provide further guidance for an envisaged follow up phase”. This program was the predecessor of Sowing […]
A summary of the impact of national seed legislation on the functioning of small-scale farmers’ seed systems in Peru, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. Policy paper
National seed laws are important for the functioning of farmers’ seeds systems. This study was conducted under the IFAD-Oxfam program: “Putting Lessons into Practice: Scaling up Peoples Biodiversity Management for Food Security.
Knowledge, views, experiences and best practices on the implementation of farmers’ rights. Policy brief
This paper has been submitted to the 6th Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA), as a joint submission by Oxfam, the Netherlands; Asociación ANDES, Peru; CTDT, Zimbabwe; SEARICE, Vietnam and CGN-WUR, the Netherlands. It has been published on the website of the International Treaty. […]
Harvesting global food security and justice in the face of climate change. First progress report
This progress report provides a comprehensive review of program activities, progress towards outcomes, risks encountered and lessons learned in the first 18 months – from the 1st of October 2013 to March 31, 2015. It also discusses adjustments required for Year 2 implementation based on these findings. The SD=HS team is proud of the programs considerable achievements over […]
Farmer-bred varieties: Finding their place in the seed supply system of Vietnam. The case of HD1 variety.
This study presents viable options for farmer-bred varieties to have the opportunity to be integrated in Vietnam’s seed supply system. It aims to: – Document Vietnam’s policy environment on variety and seed certification system. – Trace the processes which the HD1 variety went through, to become the first farmer-bred variety to pass national seed certification. […]
From COVID-19 to biodiversity loss: all global challenges are connected
Susan Bragdon The world is not on track to achieve the Agenda 2030 vision for sustainable development that is human rights based, gender sensitive and planet centered. In fact, with less than a decade to go, we are moving backward on many of the interlinked global challenges identified by the Agenda’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those related […]