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Newsletter #2

April 2021


On March 30 some sixty farmers, breeders, researchers and representatives of donor organisations and NGOs came together to seek common ground for strengthening plant breeding and seed system functioning. This was a very successful first part in a series of three workshops. Looking at Innovating Plant Breeding, farmers set the stage by speaking about their breakthroughs and challenges in Participatory Plant Breeding, the appreciation they have for their partnerships with breeders, the need for new diversity to stay ahead of an unpredictable climate. Funders stressed the need for innovation in plant breeding: to increase productivity, deal with climate change, meet the demands of farmers and markets. 

Find our 2-page report here:

Part 2: April 28th

Our second workshop will examine issues raised in the past workshop for enabling transformative collaboration in breeding and seed system development. This workshop will turn the spotlight on the experiences and perspectives of researchers from NARS and CGIAR, universities and development practitioners. More information?
Please contact: or

Other news

Blog: 100% success rate!
Champion Farmers Seeds Cooperative Company is a farmer-led enterprise that produces and sells high quality and certified seed of different crops – all of which are very important for the food and income security of smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe. Read more about their work and about the positive results they have seen in this blog by Tsungai Bwerazuva:
Re-inventing trainings during COVID
The spread of COVID-19 meant an abrupt end to our ways of working. We shifted to internet and mobile phone connectedness, strengthened responsibilities of our partner organisations, and increased South-South communications directly between our partners. In this Briefing Note we provide recommendations, and share the lessons learned.

“Foods of Oppression”
The growing recognition of food justice as an element of food studies inquiry has opened a productive vein that allows for analyzing the effects of oppression on traditional foods of Indigenous peoples. Writing together with Lisa Price and Nemer Narchi in the open-access “Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems”, SD=HS’s Gisella Cruz García provides a preliminary classification of “food oppression”. Read more:

More from SD=HS

SD=HS has started working together with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to investigate the organisational, legal and economic aspects of seed production and marketing by smallholder farmers across countries and systems. The purpose of this collaboration agreement is to compare the achievements of the seed clubs in the Mekong Delta with those of farmers producing under Quality Declared Seed systems in Uganda and Tanzania and yet other production conditions in Niger. More information? Write to Bert Visser:

Ideas for our next issue? Please send the news, information or documents you’d like to share to the newsletter’s email address: 
We welcome your comments or suggestions!
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