Archives: Documents
SeedsGROW. Harvesting global food security and justice in the face of climate change (April 2017 – March 2018)
This progress report provides a review of program activities, progress towards outcomes, risks encountered, and lessons learned in the period of 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018. All activities contribute to the overarching SeedsGROW mission of “Harvesting greater food security and food justice by supporting the gender-just transformation of the global governance of food […]
Status of Patenting Plants in the Global South. Position Paper and Research Report
Over the last few decades, the number of patents on plants and plant parts has greatly increased in various parts of the world. This has triggered social debate about possible negative consequences for the breeding sector, farmers and society. Despite the urgency of these questions, most research and literature has focused exclusively on developed countries […]
Facilitator’s Field Guide for Farmer Field Schools on Participatory Plant Breeding
This field guide focuses on four major crops important in Zimbabwe: maize, pearl millet, sorghum and groundnut. This Facilitators’ Field Guide for Farmer Field Schools on Participatory Plant Breeding aims to assist facilitators in conducting Farmer Field School (FFS) sessions on participatory plant breeding (PPB) in their respective communities. In this context, participatory plant breeding […]
Women, seeds and nutrition
technical report of the baseline surveyPhase 1 of the “Sowing diversity = Harvesting Security” (SD=HS) Programme, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Dutch National Postcode Lottery (NPL), was implemented between 2014 and 2018. Its objectives were to uphold, strengthen and mainstream the rights and technical capacities of indigenous peoples and smallholder farmers, and to influence […]
Libro de recetas Lares, Perú
En el Valle de Lares, ubicado en los Andes Peruanos, mujeres y hombres campesinos conviven con una diversidad de alimentos cultivados, semi-cultivados y silvestres presentes en las diferentes altitudes del territorio. Esta agrobiodiversidad está estrechamente vinculada con los conocimientos y las prácticas tradicionales de sus habitantes, permitiéndoles contribuir a la conservación de su patrimonio biocultural. […]
The real seed producers: Small-scale farmers save, use, share and enhance the seed diversity of the crops that feed Africa
This report, developed by GRAIN, unpacks and explores farmer-managed seed systems and their contribution to food and seed sovereignty, including the benefits they provide to farming communities as a part of their sociocultural, economic, spiritual and ecological livelihoods. The report highlights, exposes and explores how these systems work. It builds on reports of the seed […]
Speech by Mrs Majory Jeke at the Sowing Diversity = Harvesting Security Global Workshop
Mr Chairman; allow me to thank you for inviting me to represent my fellow farmers in Zimbabwe and deliver a welcome short speech during this Global Workshop. I am informed you are here to develop a proposal to look for funds to expand the Sowing Diversity = Harvesting Security Programme managed by Oxfam Novib. I […]
Reconceiving Public-Private partnerships to eradicate hunger: Recognizing small-scale farmers and agricultural biological diversity as the foundation of global food security
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) have a long history in development rhetoric yet in general have not fulfilled the promises they have made in the form of increased economic gains (except for industry actors themselves), efficiency, and improved provision of traditionally “public goods.” Noting that food, biological diversity, and small-scale farmers are intersectional areas critical to ending […]
The power to exercise choice: Implementing farmers’ rights to eradicate poverty and adapt to climate change
The SD=HS program aims to realize Farmers’ Rights by empowering indigenous peoples and smallholder farmers to uphold their role in contributing to food security and strengthening their adaptive capacities. This report describes the main tools and achievements so far. Farmer field schools are one key tool. They facilitate farmers in accessing, adopting and creating a […]
Oxfam Novib Management Response to the Mid-term Review of the SD=HS program
This document presents the results of the Mid Term Review (MTR) of the Sowing Diversity=Harvesting Security (SD=HS) program. The report is preceded by a management response of the Oxfam Novib SeedsGROW Steering Committee (Arnold Galavazi, Corporate Director, and Gerard Steehouwer, Manager Thematic Units of Oxfam Novib).
Sonia Quispe’s Statement for CoP23
Sonia Quispe Ttito, an indigenous woman and smallholder farmer from the community of Choquecancha made this statement at the 23rd Conference of Parties in Bonn (2017). The statement was originally in Quechua, but is translated to English. ‘My name is Sonia Quispe Ttito, I come from the community of Choquecancha, in the district of Lares, […]
SeedsGROW. Harvesting global food security and justice in the face of climate change (April 2016 – March 2017)
The third progress report presents results, achievements, challenges and financial updates from the period 1 April 2016 until 31 March 2017. The document reports both on the SD=HS program and the GROW campaign.
Reinvigorating the Public Sector: The Case of Food Security, Small-scale Farmers, Trade and Intellectual Property Rules
Susan Bragdon Abstract: The world increasingly looks to market-based solutions to meet local and global food security needs. This trend is accompanied by a weakening of the public sector. These two trends have an enormous influence on the creation of a modern food system that is harming the health of people and planet. Individually and […]
The impact of national seed laws on the functioning of small-scale seed systems. A country case study
This study is one of the stock-taking activities undertaken under the SD=HS program, focusing on policies relevant to the functioning of small-scale farming systems. It aims to guide further work of the SD=HS program by assessing national seed laws in the eight countries covered by the program, to inform recommendations to ensure these laws better […]
The Foundations of Food Security: Ensuring support to small-scale farmers managing agricultural biodiversity
Access and benefit-sharing (ABS) agreements, whether through a multilateral system established by the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (IT) or bilateral systems envisioned by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) or a mixed system that may arise under the Nagoya Protocol (NP), are based on a transactional approach to facilitating […]
Are smallholders farmers at the table?
Are Small-scale Farmers at the Table? Reflections on Small-scale Farmers’ Participation in Global and National Decision-Making This policy brief offers information on (1) small-scale farmer representation in international discussions related to food and nutrition security, innovation, climate change, human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals;(2) the challenges in ensuring such representation; and(3) the need for […]
Facilitator’s Guide: Community Managed Seed Security (CMSS) model
The CMSS model is a participatory farmer-led approach for systematically planning and executing interventions towards promoting farmers’ seed security and seed sovereignty. The model consolidates the existing good seed security practices scattered across the PELUM Uganda network into a comprehensive approach for promoting community led seed security among smallholder farmers. It is hoped that after […]
Evidences on the use of Neglected and Underutilized Species (NUS) to cope with food scarcity and climate change in the Peruvian Andes
This Briefing Note by Asociación ANDES and Oxfam Novib shows in detail the evidence for the use of Neglected and Underutilized Species (NUS) as a coping strategy in times of food scarcity because of climate change in the Peruvian Andes. The publication elaborates on challenges of climate change in the Andes, it shows the findings […]
Our seeds: Lessons from the drought. A joint agency briefing note
This joint agency briefing note from CTDT and Oxfam describes how farmer seed systems can provide seed security. Zimbabwean smallholder farmers consider seed security to be an issue of national security. For them, access to the right seeds, at the right time, and for the right price, is critical to be able to produce enough food to eat […]
SeedsGROW. Harvesting global food security and justice in the face of climate change (April 2015-31 March 2016)
The second progress report presents results, achievements, challenges and financial updates from the period 1 April 2015 until 31 March 2016. The document reports both on the SD=HS program and the GROW campaign.