Country: Peru
Líderes y lideresas campesinas fortalecen sus capacidades para la incidencia política
Sesenta líderes y lideresas campesinas fortalecen sus capacidades de incidencia política en la Escuela “Promoviendo el Sistema Tradicional de Producción de Semillas en el Perú”, iniciativa organizada por FOVIDA con el apoyo de Oxfam, que se realiza desde el 01 al 29 de diciembre, con la finalidad de promover el sistema tradicional de producción de semillas […]
Women, seeds and nutrition
technical report of the baseline surveyPhase 1 of the “Sowing diversity = Harvesting Security” (SD=HS) Programme, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Dutch National Postcode Lottery (NPL), was implemented between 2014 and 2018. Its objectives were to uphold, strengthen and mainstream the rights and technical capacities of indigenous peoples and smallholder farmers, and to influence […]
Libro de recetas Lares, Perú
En el Valle de Lares, ubicado en los Andes Peruanos, mujeres y hombres campesinos conviven con una diversidad de alimentos cultivados, semi-cultivados y silvestres presentes en las diferentes altitudes del territorio. Esta agrobiodiversidad está estrechamente vinculada con los conocimientos y las prácticas tradicionales de sus habitantes, permitiéndoles contribuir a la conservación de su patrimonio biocultural. […]
A summary of the impact of national seed legislation on the functioning of small-scale farmers’ seed systems in Peru, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. Policy paper
National seed laws are important for the functioning of farmers’ seeds systems. This study was conducted under the IFAD-Oxfam program: “Putting Lessons into Practice: Scaling up Peoples Biodiversity Management for Food Security.
Knowledge, views, experiences and best practices on the implementation of farmers’ rights. Policy brief
This paper has been submitted to the 6th Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA), as a joint submission by Oxfam, the Netherlands; Asociación ANDES, Peru; CTDT, Zimbabwe; SEARICE, Vietnam and CGN-WUR, the Netherlands. It has been published on the website of the International Treaty. […]