Article list
NEW: Oxfam Research Report on the patenting of plants and seeds in the Global South
Oxfam presents a new research paper that provides an overview of the current status of the patenting of plants in developing countries and emerging economies. To feed a growing world population and optimally adapt to the challenges of climate change, all farmers and breeders need unrestricted access to the building blocks of life. Oxfam is […]
New: Recipe book celebrating biocultural heritage of the Andes
In the Valley of Lares, located in the Peruvian Andes, peasant women and men live together with a diversity of cultivated, semi-cultivated and wild foods present in the different altitudes of the territory. This agrobiodiversity is closely linked with knowledge and the traditional practices of its inhabitants, allowing them to contribute to the conservation of […]
How do we scale up our work?
The SD=HS program aims for widespread impact in such a way that social, environmental and economic conditions can be enhanced beyond the context of the program. In this video, we explain the six integrated pathways that are crucial to the SD=HS methodology. The pathways mentioned are: Participatory toolkit for plant genetic resources for food and […]
Oxfam Novib Annual Report 2017-2018 now online
This Oxfam Novib Annual Report describes the organization’s achievements and lessons learned in 2018 and 2019. It includes an overview of the Oxfam Novib Sowing Diversity=Harvesting Security-program, that former Oxfam Novib director Farah Karimi describes as: ‘The program demonstrates Oxfam Novib at its best: we stand with people during difficult times in their history, believing […]
Guardians of Seeds exhibition
On October 13, on the Dutch festival for World Food Day, SD=HS opens a photo exhibition called ‘Guardians of Seeds’. It will be a public event and you can order free tickets here. Photographers Sacha de Boer and Ilvy Njiokiktjien travelled to Zimbabwe, Laos and Peru, to meet women farmers and participants of the SD=HS program. […]
Manual for Training of Trainer courses now available
Based on several years of Farmer Field School seasons in Zimbabwe, Peru, Vietnam, Lao PDR and Myanmar, the SD=HS program developed an improved manual to guide the Training of Trainer courses. These courses prepare trainers to facilitate a season of Farmer Field School activities on Participatory Plant Breeding. Topics include the organisation of a Farmer […]
Crop diversity for resilient food systems
Crop diversity is essential for life on earth. It is at the basis of our food and nutrition security. The Global Crop Diversity Trust ensures the conservation and availability of crop diversity. Oxfam Novib complementarily strengthens smallholder farmers in their rights to access and benefit from our planet’s variety of plant genetic resources. The Global […]
Sacha de Boer and Gigi Manicad in Lao P.D.R.
Dutch photographer and former news anchor Sacha de Boer visited the SD=HS program in Lao P.D.R. She portraited farmers and her series will be exhibited in the Netherlands and at international and global conferences. During her visit to Lao P.D.R., SD=HS Program Leader Gigi Manicad was interviewed. In this video, she explains the principles of […]
SD=HS side event at CoP23 in Bonn
Asociación ANDES together with Oxfam Novib chaired a side event during the 23rd Conference of Parties in Bonn; organized by Helvetas and IFOAM. The program likes to thank the high number of attendents for their useful comments. At the side event, SD=HS shared insights on the global role of smallholder farmers in adapting strategies to ensure […]
SD=HS at GB7 Kigali
SD=HS aims to create an enabling policy environment for smallholder farmers and indigenous communities, which strengthens their Farmers’ Right and the farmers’ seed systems they operate in, while empowering the farming communities to participate in policy-making processes. On 30 October 2017, Marjory Jeke, lead farmer from one of the program’s FFS in Zimbabwe, presented her […]
Smallholder farmers break the norm by successfully producing certified seed
The production of certified seed in Zimbabwe has largely been the domain of large scale commercial farmers due the stringent production requirements, and quality standards that the country has set for the certification of any seed crop. According to the Seeds Act (Chapter19:13) and accompanying enabling regulations contained in Seed Regulations and Seed (Certification Scheme) […]
Successful multi-sector dialogue in Peru
On Thursday, 30th of March 2017 SD=HS partner Asociación ANDES held a multi-sector Dialogue on the joint implementation of the regulations of agro-biodiversity zones and the national Peruvian seed laws, as well as the articulation of life plans and bio-cultural protocols to these laws. This multi-stakeholder dialogue brought together a good number of policy makers and experts […]
Vice-presendential visit to Peruvian Potato Park
On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 the Second Vice President and Member of Congress of the Republic of Peru, Mercedes Araoz, visited the Potato Park. The Vice-president, was accompanied by the Minister of the Environment, Elsa Galarza, and Vice Minister of Strategic development of Natural Resources Fernando Leon. The authorities were impressed with how the health of […]
Discussing the Global Methodology
Event: Global Methodological Workshop The Hague, The Netherlands Feb 6 – Feb 10 Participants: Asociación ANDES, CTDT and SEARICE, Plant Resources Center Vietnam, Mekong Delta Development Research Institute Vietnam, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute Lao P.D.R., Metta Foundation Myanmar and Oxfam Novib (organizing participant) From the 6th until the 10th of February, SD=HS partners come […]
SD=HS side event at FAO convention
The SD=HS program presents a side event during the 16th regular session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: Strengthening women’s capacity in biodiversity and nutrition through farmer field schools Venue and time: Iran room (B-116); 13:15 – 14:45, FAO Organizer: Oxfam Novib At this side event, we will present findings from […]
UYWAY the movie, by Asociación ANDES
‘UYWAY’ (the seed) tells the story of a spiritual journey made by Quechua farmers bringing their cherished potato seeds from the Potato Park in Peru to the Svalbard in Norway. It is a voyage from potato fields high in the Andean mountains of Peru to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault: a fail-safe seed storage facility […]
Oxfam presents position paper at UPOV symposium
‘A symposium held recently by the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) sought to explore the interrelations between the convention and the international treaty on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. Farmers’ Rights lie at the intersection of the two treaties and while some find the treaties complementary, some others […]
Global Consultation on Farmer’s Rights
The second Global Consultation on Farmers’ Rights was held in Bali, Indonesia from 27-30 September 2016. Building on the outcomes of the informal consultations in Zimbabwe in 2007 and the first global consultations in Ethiopia in 2010, the consultations in Indonesia brought together a broad range of stakeholders for a constructive dialogue on Farmers’ Rights […]
Video: impression of ‘Share a Seed’ in Zimbabwe
Share a Seed (ENG) from Oxfam Novib on Vimeo. Based on footage of Dutch photographer Sasha de Boer, Oxfam Novib and CTDT together with the Dutch Postcode Lottery (NPL) created a video showing the Farmer Field Schools in Zimbabwe. The video is part of the ‘Share a Seed’ campaign (for more info:
‘Seed: The untold story’, featured at IDFA
“Seed: The untold story” was broadcasted during the International Documentary Festival in Amsterdam. The festival is widely known for its cutting-edge and socially and culturally engaged program. The movie, directed by Jon Betz and Taggart Siegel, was selected for the Oxfam Novib subprogram in which documentaries are shown that are thematically related to fields in […]