Archives: Documents
Women, Land and Seeds
Experiences from SD=HS FFS on seed production and marketing Within the program, the implementation of Farmer Field Schools on seed production and marketing is one of four program approaches focused on facilitating crop diversity, improved seed availability and access to adapted seeds and varieties that meet the diverse sociocultural needs of smallholder farmers and indigenous […]
Improving diets and reducing food scarcity with the help of local food plants in Mashonaland Central, Mashonaland East, Masvingo, Matabele land North provinces in Zimbabwe
Local food plants for nutrition This document presents the main household-level findings of the baseline survey conducted between 2019-2021, during the second phase of the Sowing Diversity = Harvesting Security (SD=HS) programme (2019-2023). The results of the baseline are complemented with the main findings of the diagnostic exercises conducted by SD=HS’ Farmer Field Schools (FFS). […]
Improving diets and reducing food scarcity with the help of local food plants in the Northern and Eastern regions of Uganda
Local food plants for nutrition This document presents the main household-level findings of the baseline survey conducted between 2019-2021, during the second phase of the Sowing Diversity = Harvesting Security (SD=HS) programme (2019-2023). The results of the baseline are complemented with the main findings of the diagnostic exercises conducted by SD=HS’ Farmer Field Schools (FFS). […]
Champion species help to tackle main nutritional problems in Central, Southern, and Lusaka Provinces of Zambia
Local Food Plants for NutritionSeries #2 This document shares the plant species findings of the baseline survey conducted between 2019-2021, during the second phase of the Sowing Diversity = Harvesting Security (SD=HS) programme (2019-2023). The results of the baseline survey are complemented by the main findings of the diagnostic exercises conducted by SD=HS’ Farmer Field […]
Improving diets and reducing food scarcity with the help of local food plants in Central, Southern and Lusaka provinces of Zambia
Local Food Plants for NutritionSeries #1 This document presents the main household-level findings of the baseline survey conducted between 2019-2021, during the second phase of the Sowing Diversity = Harvesting Security (SD=HS) programme (2019-2023). The results of the baseline are complemented with the main findings of the diagnostic exercises conducted by SD=HS’ Farmer Field Schools […]
No support and legal certainty for small-scale farmers in the Global South
By Nout van der Vaart, Oxfam Novib The International Union for the Protection of New Plant Varieties (UPOV) has failed to take significant steps to expand the exception for small-scale farmers regarding the use of protected seeds for private and non-commercial use purposes. During its annual meeting in Geneva, the contracting parties did not reach […]
Guía de Campo Escuelas de Campo Para agricultores en Nutrición y Plantas alimenticias Locales
Módulo: Mejoramiento de la nutrición Este módulo ha sido diseñado para apoyar a los facilitadores en llevar a cabo actividades que ayuden a los agricultores a mejorar sus dieta y su nutrición, para escuelas de campo para agricultores (ECA) en nutrición y plantas alimenticias locales. La fase de implementación puede empezar una vez que se […]
Facilitators’ Field Guide for Farmer Field Schools on Local Food Plants for Nutrition
Module: Improving Nutrition This module has been designed to assist facilitators in implementing activities that help farmers improve their diets and nutrition, working as part of a Farmer Field School (FFS) on nutrition and local food plants. The implementation phase can start as soon as the curriculum for the FFS cycle has been agreed. It […]
Annual Report 2022
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was significantly lower in 2022, with restrictions being gradually lifted and more teams and activities returning to “normal”. But the year was also marked by the war in Ukraine and a worldwide economic crisis, with inflation and disruptions to the global food supplies. This came on top of a […]
Training Manual Agrobiodiversity and Farmers Rights
Foreword by Bharat Bhandari, Executive Director LI-BIRD Agricultural biodiversity, a subset of biological diversity, is the foundation of food and nutritional security. Smallholder farmers in developing countries are considered custodians of local agrobiodiversity who conserve, utilize, and maintain crop genetic diversity along with associated traditional knowledge and use cases. Changing climate coupled with other socio-economic […]
Guía de Campo ECAs para Agricultores en Nutrición Plantas Alimenticias Locales: Temas especiales
Este módulo ha sido diseñado para ayudar a los facilitadores en llevar a cabo las actividades especiales de la Escuela de Campo para Agricultores (ECA).Los temas especiales son temas complementarios que ofrecen información adicional útil para el desarrollo de las actividades de la ECA. Por ejemplo, las ECA que trabajaron con latencia de semillas en […]
Facilitators’ Guide for Farmer Field Schools on Local Food Plants for Nutrition: Special topics
This module has been designed to help facilitators to undertake Farmer Field School (FFS) special topics. Special topics are complementary topics that provide additional information which is useful for the development of the FFS activities. For example, FFS that addressed seed dormancy in Zimbabwe included a special topic on ways to manipulate seed germination provided […]
Guía de campo para facilitadores de las ECAs sobre plantas alimenticias locales para la nutrición: Evaluación de fin de ciclo
Este módulo ha sido diseñado para ayudar a los facilitadores a llevar a cabo las evaluaciones de fin de ciclo de las Escuelas de Campo para Agricultores (ECA) a nivel individual para cada ECA. Durante la evaluación de fin de ciclo a nivel de la ECA, los facilitadores y los agricultores reflexionarán sobre las lecciones […]
Building Bridges between Practitioners and Academics
“It is one of the most interesting courses I ever took because it brought scholars and practitioners together and allowed them to interact with grassroots cases.” –Yiching Song, Farmer Seed Network in China This blog looks at the experience seven SD=HS colleagues who presented some of the case studied as ground for group work, to […]
Anna Sofia Asingo on building bridges
“I get motivated when the farmers themselves show interest to share the knowledge they have, and when they are willing to integrate their knowledge with the knowledge we have.” Anna Sofia Asingo is a passionate advocate for farmers and their rights. With 11 years of experience working with Community Integrated Development Initiatives (CIDI), a member […]
Learning from the field: insights from Sahadev K.C.
“It is on the field that I realize how much of a difference there is between theory and practice.” Sahadev KC has been working in Nepal with farmers and their seeds for the past three years. He works with LI-BIRD, in the far west part of Nepal. In this region, he works in two districts […]
Marrying practical experience and theoretical knowledge: Jeko Manata’s reflections
“The interest in farming and working with farmers has always been part of me, I understand it very well because I grew up as a farmer and now, I am a farmer. It’s calling for me to work with farmers.” Jeko Manata grew up in southern Zimbabwe, surrounded by agriculture and with a family background […]
From the Fields to the Classroom: Joseph Mwitumwa’s reflections
Joseph Mwitumwa is a Seed Production and Marketing Officer with Community Technology Development Trust (CTDT) Zambia. Together with six colleagues from different countries, he participated in the Smallholder Engagement in Seed Systems course held at Wageningen University and developed in partnership with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, the Production Ecology & Resource Conservation and Oxfam Novib through […]
John Tigere on empowering farmers in Zimbabwe
“Nearly everyone in Zimbabwe is a farmer and even those in towns still have one or two beds of vegetables on their backyards.” John Tigere works with Community Technology Development Trust in Zimbabwe (CTDT). His focus is on farming as a family business and as such he works with Farmer Seeds Enterprises to facilitate the commercialization of […]
“Stay rooted in the reality on the ground” Yiching Song’s advice to work on seed systems
“I am crazy about seeds, and I consider supporting farmers and farmers seed systems my life mission.” Since 2000, Yiching Song has been aiming to link farmer seed systems and the formal system. In 2013, she established the Farmers’ Seed Network in China (FSN) to work through Farmer Field Schools and engaged farmers through Community […]