Archives: Documents
Gender Journey Module
Farmer Field Schools (FFS) are central to the SD=HS way of working. This gender journey module can be applied within the framework of the FFS on Participatory Plant Breeding (PPB), on Nutrition and Local Food Plants, or on Farmer Seed Enterprises. It is part of SD=HS’ efforts to advance women’s leadership in agrobiodiversity management. SD=HS […]
‘Agroecological Transitions: A Systematic Review of Research Approaches and Prospects for Participatory Action Methods’ Front. Sustain. Food Syst., 26 October 2021
There have been many calls for an agroecological transition to respond to food shocks and crises stemming from conventional food systems. A group of researchers, including SD=HS’s Gisella Cruz García, focus on participatory action research and transformative epistemologies, where communities are research actors rather than objects, have been proposed as a way to enhance this […]
La biodiversidad vegetal es clave para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional de los agricultores familiares y su resiliencia frente a la crisis del COVID-19
La malnutrición es la principal causa de muerte y enfermedad a nivel mundial, especialmente en países en vías de desarrollo. Más de tres mil millones de hombres, mujeres y niños no pueden costearse una dieta saludable. La crisis causada por el COVID-19 ha empeorado aún más la inseguridad alimentaria y nutricional, en especial para los […]
Plant biodiversity is key to ensuring farmers’ food and nutrition security in response to the Covid-19 crisis
Malnutrition is the leading cause of death and ill health worldwide, and in particular in developing countries. Over three billion men, women and children cannot afford a healthy diet. The COVID-19 crisis has made food and nutrition insecurity even worse, particularly for family farmers, who produce most of the world’s food. Malnutrition remains one of […]
Guía de campo para facilitadores de ECAs sobre fitomejoramiento participativo – Fase de Diagnóstico
Los objetivos y actividades de fitomejoramiento de una Escuela de Campo para Agricultores (ECA) se basan en la “fase de diagnóstico”, en la que los agricultores realizan un diagnóstico colectivo de su situación y de los problemas y desafíos que enfrentan en el cultivo de sus cultivos y variedades. La etapa de diagnóstico es crucial […]
Facilitators’ Field Guide for FFS on Participatory Plant Breeding:
Diagnostic StageThis field guide was developed by the Sowing Diversity=Harvesting Security program and its consortium partners in 2018: Community Technology Development Trust (CTDT), Asociación ANDES, and the Southeast Asia Regional Initiatives for community empowerment (SEARICE). It is based on Farmer Field School training experience in Zimbabwe, Peru, Myanmar, Lao P.D.R. and Vietnam. The diagnostic stage is […]
Guía para los facilitadores de las escuelas de campo para agricultores en la enseñanza de fitomejoramiento participativo
Módulo: Diseño del Modelo para la Selección de Variedades utilizando Fitomejoramiento Participativo (PVS/SVF) – Modelo para la Investigación En el presente modulo, preparamos el lugar en el cual se ha de establecer La Escuela de Campo para Agricultores (ECA) y las áreas agrícolas que se utilizaran para el Modelo de las Parcelas Experimentales, en las […]
Facilitators’ Field Guide for FFS on Participatory Plant Breeding:
Plot design for PVS research plotsThis module is part of the Facilitator’s field guide for Farmer Field Schools on Participatory Plant Breeding. It is meant to help prepare the Farmer Field School (FFS) site and the plots of land on which we will do the fieldwork and testing of lines for the next season. The way we design the plots […]
Guía de Facilitación para las ECAs sobre Fitomejoramiento Participativo de Plantas
Módulo: Mejoramiento Participativo de VariedadesEl Mejoramiento Participativo de Variedades (MPV) funciona con variedades significativas de cultivos auto polinizados o de polinización cruzada. El objetivo es: i) restaurar características o aspectos que se han deteriorado con el tiempo, ii) mejorar las características preferidas o iii) adaptar las variedades para las condiciones agrícolas cambiantes. El atractivo del MPV es que no […]
Facilitators’ Field Guide for FFS on Participatory Plant Breeding:
Participatory Variety EnhancementParticipatory Variety Enhancement (PVE) works with appreciated local varieties of cross- and self-pollinating crops. The objective is to either i) restore characteristics, or ‘traits’, that have deteriorated over time, ii) improve preferred traits, or iii) adapt the varieties to changing growing conditions. What makes PVE attractive is that it requires no materials from outside. Farmers […]
SD=HS Annual Report 2020
As part of Oxfam Novib’s SeedsGROW international program, Sowing Diversity = Harvesting Security, or SD=HS, is a joint effort of the world’s leading civil society organizations with a firm track record in the field of plant genetic resources to empower smallholder farmers. Our mission is to support indigenous peoples and smallholder farmers – men, women […]
Online Training of Trainers for FFS on Seed production and Marketing
A Training of Trainers (ToT) process is the main step prior the establishment of the Farmer Field Schools (FFS). Considering the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent travel and gathering restrictions, this ToT could not be conducted as traditionally planned, since the Oxfam Novib team in The Hague could no longer travel to the […]
FSEs in Nepal – building on the steps taken in 2020
Rajendra Dhakal Good quality seeds can help farmers adapt to the impact of climate change and ultimately help achieve food and nutrition security. With this in mind, one of the main goals of the SD=HS project is that indigenous peoples and smallholder farmers enhance their livelihoods, income and seed security through the improved production and […]
Mid Term Review 2021
The 2021 Mid Term Review aims to determine the extent to which the different activities have contributed towards the overall objectives and outcomes, and the lessons we can draw. This is to help all stakeholders have the necessary information to take timely and informed decisions in the near future.
Starting with Farmer Field Schools
Starter Kit: A short introduction to Farmer Field Schools in the SD=HS programme Prepared by Bert Visser, in collaboration with Anita Dohar, Hilton Mbozi and Frederik van Oudenhoven, this is a quick introduction to the three Field Guides developed by the SD=HS programme, i.e. the Field Guides on Participatory Plant Breeding, on Nutrition and Local […]
Bringing farmers to the table: Innovating Plant Breeding
Workshop 2On 28 April 2021, Oxfam Novib held the second in a series of one-day workshops exploring opportunities for collaborative plant breeding for and with smallholder farmers. The first workshop had put farmers and donor agencies centre stage. Then, participants acknowledged that a collaborative process of plant breeding – in which farmers and researchers identify real-life […]
‘How regulatory issues on new breeding technologies can impact smallholder farmer breeding: Case study from the Philippines’ Plants People Planet, 25 May 2021
In this article, SD=HS team members Bram De Jonge, Bert Visser and Rene Salazar look at the impacts of breeding technologies regulations on smallholder farmers. The widespread use of patents on plants in low- and middle-income countries demonstrates the increasing privatisation of crop genetic resources. This potentially limits their use in farmer breeding, increasing the […]
Field Guide Module for Community Seed Banks
This Field Guide module has been developed drawing from a wide range of sources and experiences, from within the SD=HS programme and from various other organizations, and has benefited in particular from the longstanding efforts of Bioversity International in this field. It is intended to be used in the context of farmer field schools. It […]
Bringing farmers to the table: Innovating Plant Breeding
Workshop 1On March 30 2021, some sixty farmers, breeders, researchers, and representatives of donor organisations and NGOs came together to seek common ground for strengthening plant breeding and seed system functioning. Farmers set the stage by speaking about their breakthroughs and challenges in Participatory Plant Breeding, the appreciation they have for their partnerships with breeders, the […]
Champion Seeds: 100% success rates!
Tsungai Bwerazuva Champion Farmers Seeds Cooperative Company is a farmer-led enterprise that produces and sells high quality and certified seed of highly-adaptable, high-yielding and drought tolerant varieties of sorghum, groundnuts, maize (hybrid and open pollinated), sugar bean, cowpea and pearl millet – all of which are very important for the food and income security of […]