Archives: Documents
Recopilación de recetas de alimentos con especies subtulizadas de la Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, Guatemala
Guatemala como país megadiverso, cuenta como parte de su agrobiodiversidad con especies útiles para la alimentación que, por su bajo costo, sabor característico y alto contenido nutricional son una alternativa para contribuir a la seguridad alimentaria de las comunidades indígenas de la Sierra de de los Cuchumatanes, Huehuetenango. El consumo de tallos, hojas, raíces y […]
Re-inventing agricultural trainings in times of COVID-19
The spread of Covid-19, and the measures taken by authorities to contain it, meant an abrupt end to our ways of working. We shifted to internet and mobile phone connectedness, strengthened responsibilities of our partner organisations, and increased South-South communications directly between our partners, including cross-country exchange of experiences. In this Briefing Note we provide […]
‘Foods of Oppression’
Front. Sustain. Food Syst., 17 March 2021The growing recognition of food justice as an element of food studies inquiry has opened a productive vein that allows for analyzing the effects of oppression on traditional foods of Indigenous peoples. Writing together with Lisa Price and Nemer Narchi in the open-access “Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems”, SD=HS’s Gisella Cruz García provides a preliminary […]
Diagnóstico de especies subutilizadas en la Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, Huehuetenango
La Sierra de los Cuchumatanes se ubica en el departamento de Huehuetenango al norte de Guatemala, la cual es habitada por comunidades lingüísticas Mam, Chuj, Q´anjob´al, Akateko, Awakateko, Chalchiteko, Popti y K´iche´, de los cuales el 65% vive en pobreza y extrema pobreza; existe un analfabestimo del 60%, y el 77% de los niños menores […]
Curso en Línea en Español sobre ECAs en Nutrición y Plantas Alimenticias Locales
Publicado en setiembre 20204 horas y 43 minutos de video presentaciones La malnutrición es un problema muy grave enfrentado por los pequeños agricultores y los pueblos indígenas. La agrobiodiversidad es la clave para diversificar y mejorar la calidad nutricional de sus dietas. Este curso ha sido diseñado para ayudar a futuros capacitadores a organizar y […]
Online course for Farmer Field Schools on Nutrition and Local Food Plants
Released in September 2020 4 hours and 16 minutes of video presentations Malnutrition is a major problem faced by smallholder farmers and Indigenous peoples. Agrobiodiversity holds the key to diversify and improve the nutritional quality of their diets. This course has been organized in order to help potential master trainers in preparing and conducting the […]
SD=HS Annual Report 2019
It is with satisfaction that we present the SD=HS Annual Report 2019. An important year in which we started Phase II of the program, in which we were able to continue the important work of longstanding partners and broaden our work by welcoming new countries and organizations. In 2019, the organizations that are part of […]
Global Legal Constraints: How the International System Fails Small-Scale Farmers and Agricultural Biodiversity, Harming Human and Planetary Health, and What to Do About It
This publication explores the concerns driving relevant international instruments with the goal of increasing the understanding needed to achieve coherence and mutual support. Susan H. Bragdon notes the central role inequity plays both amongst the treaties and instruments discussed in this paper as well as in the broader international legal landscape that includes human rights […]
Diagnostic Assessment of Underutilized Species in Guatemala
The Cuchumatanes Range is located in the department of Huehuetenango in northern Guatemala, and is home to the Mam, Chuj, Q’anjob’al, Akateko, Awakateko, Chalchiteko, Popti, and K’iche’ linguistic communities. Up to 65% of the residents in the area live in poverty or extreme poverty; illiteracy rates hover around 60%, and 77% of children under the […]
Herramienta para la Línea Base en Nutrición y Plantas Alimenticias Locales
El objetivo de este documento preliminar es servir de guía para la implementación de la línea de base en nutrición y plantas alimenticias locales, lo que corresponde al trabajo en nutrición del Programa “Sembrando Diversidad = Cosechando Seguridad” (en adelante, SD=HS, por sus siglas en inglés). Hacia la finalización del programa se llevará a cabo […]
Baseline tool on nutrition and local food plants
This document aims at providing a guideline for the implementation of a baseline survey to capture information on nutrition and local food plants, which corresponds to the work on nutrition (third Pillar) of the “Sowing Diversity=Harvesting Security” Program (SD=HS). SD=HS is a global program, currently implemented by consortium partners in eight countries and coordinated by […]
Farmer Field School Field Guide on Nutrition and Local Food Plants
This document aims at providing a guideline for the development of farmer field school (FFS) curricula on Nutrition and Local Food Plants with a gender approach, which is part of the SD=HS program. The FFS on Nutrition and Local Food Plants aims at contributing to the SD=HS objective on improving the quality and diversity of […]
Guía de Campo ECAs en Nutrición y Plantas Alimenticias Locales
La presente guía de campo está elaborada sobre la base del documento desarrollado originalmente por el programa Sembrando Diversidad = Cosechando Seguridad y sus asociados del consorcio en la Fase I (2014-2018). Se complementó con las experiencias de la Escuela de Campo para Agricultores en Zimbabue, Perú, Myanmar y Vietnam. El objetivo de este documento […]
Living Links Connecting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Small-Scale Farmers and Agricultural Biodiversity
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Agenda 2030 adopted by the global community in September 2015 are applicable to all countries with the commitment “that no one is left behind.” As an agenda for “people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership”, Agenda 2030 provides a vision for people and planet-centered, human rights-based, and gender-sensitive sustainable […]
Options to interpret the notion of private and non-commercial use as included in Article 15.1.i of the UPOV 1991 Convention. Final Report
This page contains the project reports and all meeting reports of the project ‘Options to interpret the notion of private and non-commercial use as included in Article 15.1.i of the UPOV 1991 Convention’. This project was undertaken by Szonja Csörgõ and Catherine Langat from Euroseeds, Judith de Roos from Plantum and Bram de Jonge from […]
SeedsGROW: Harvesting global food security and justice in the face of climate change
Final Report 2013-2018This final report provides a review of program activities, progress towards outcomes, risks encountered, and lessons learned for the entire program period of 2013-2018. All activities contribute to the overarching SeedsGROW mission of “Harvesting greater food security and food justice by supporting the gender-just transformation of the global governance of food systems, and strengthening affected […]
The case of Champion Farmer Seeds cooperative. Documenting lessons learned establishing a Farmer Seed Enterprise
This discussion paper presents the lessons learned in establishing a Farmer Seed Enterprise, the Champion Farmer Seeds Cooperative in Zimbabwe. The involved practitioners reflect on the assumptions made at the start of the program, and how the experience can guide further development of different models of Farmer Seed Enterprises. This paper is based on both […]
“Registration of Farmers’ Varieties”: Final report of the workshop
The registration of farmers’ varieties in national and regional seed catalogues – as objects of seed regulation – has been the subject of considerable debate in recent years, at local, national and international levels. Farmers have contributed immensely to the development, management and conservation of a wide range of crop varieties, but national seed regulations […]
Women’s roles in biodiversity management
NB: A summary of this case study report was included in the UN report on ‘The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture’. Read more Indigenous peoples and smallholder farmers, a large percentage of whom are women, provide about eighty percent of the food consumed in almost all of the developing world, contributing […]
Neglected and underutilized species for improved diets
This study highlights that neglected and underutilized species (NUS) play an important role in diversifying the diets of indigenous peoples and smallholder farmers, in particular as part of their coping strategies during the hunger season. However, many of the wild plants and minor crops cited by participants in the study have not yet been covered […]